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Jaycees to Entertain Kids With Easter Egg Hunt

Palatine Jaycees

The Palatine Jaycees will be entertaining local children up to nine years old on Saturday, April 12th starting at 10:00 AM with an Easter Egg Hunt at Towne Square on Palatine Road in Palatine.

“We will be hiding 3,000 Easter Eggs filled with candy and prizes in the grassy area of Towne Square,” said Jennifer Ramello, Co-Chair of the project. “We will divide all the kids who wish to participate into groups by age. The youngest group will be for kids up to two years old, the next group will be three to five year olds, then six and seven year olds and finally eight and nine year olds. Each age group will be sent out separately to collect eggs.”

To add to the festivities, the Jaycees will also have the Easter Bunny attend the event. “Children will be able to have their pictures taken by their parents with the Easter Bunny for a small donation,” said Lori Jefford, Co-Chair of the project. Projects like the Easter Egg Hunt are just one of the ways the Jaycees give back to the community. Every year, the Palatine Jaycees conduct numerous programs to serve the community and accumulate funds for operation of the Chapter and community donations. Included in these projects are the Fourth of July Festival, Christmas tree sales, a best pizza contest and others, which benefit the community directly and help raise money.

The Palatine Jaycees provide development opportunities that empower young people between the age of 21 and 40 to create positive change. As one of Palatine’s foremost organizations for young people, the Palatine Jaycees have provided community based events and funding to Palatine for more than fifty years. As one of the largest chapters in the state of Illinois, the Palatine Jaycees offer a combination of community service, individual development and social opportunities.

The Palatine Chapter holds their monthly general meeting on the third Thursday of the month at 7:30 PM at the American Legion Hall on Palatine Road in Palatine. For further information on the Palatine Jaycees, membership or any of their sponsored events write to the Palatine Jaycees, Post Office Box 1517, Palatine, IL 60078-1517, call 847-604-0288, email them at or visit

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