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Jaycees plan Family Field Day

Palatine Jaycees

The Palatine Jaycees are preparing for their third annual Family Field Day to be held Saturday, September 9 from 10 a.m. to noon at Falcon Park, 2195 N. Hicks Rd.

The project committee is contacting potential event participants and sponsors, as well as developing publicity plans, and soliciting donations for snacks and giveaways. The purpose of the event is to expose families to a variety of fun ways to increase their physical activity levels and make healthy lifestyle choices. Family Field is free for families and the activities are targeted to six to twelve year old kids. Activity stations will be set up both indoors and outdoors at the Palatine Park District’s Falcon Park Recreation Center in north Palatine.

“We’ve already confirmed a variety of fun activity stations, including soccer, hockey, basketball, and yoga,” said committee member Margie Musary. “And we have great raffle prizes lined up. Kids can enter the raffle for free by visiting the different activity stations.”

Local organizations and businesses with a focus on health and fitness are encouraged to contact the chapter at to learn how they can get involved. Sponsorship packages are available as well as activity station spots. Jaycees volunteers will be available to assist the event participants in setting up and running the activity stations.

“Windy City Bulls will join us again this year with fun giveaways and basketball pointers,” said committee member Pat De Marco. “This event is all about the kids and we want them to hopefully learn a few things, but most of all to just have fun being active.”

The chapter launched Family Field Day in 2015 after hosting workshops with community leaders to discuss the rising concern over the lack of physical activity in the lives of many children, and the possible correlation with the childhood obesity problem.

“Although obesity rates do finally seem to be declining somewhat, we still see the value in providing events that encourage families to get outside and be active together,” said project chair Barbara Cima. “We want to remind people that staying fit doesn’t have to be seen as a chore. It can be fun; it can be family time.”

Updated information about the event will be available on the chapter’s Facebook page and website. Flyers will also be distributed to local organizations and businesses.

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