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2023 Palatine Jaycees Dare to Dream

Palatine Jaycees

Members of the 2022 Palatine Jaycees displaying awards at the JCI Illinois General Assembly in Bloomington-Normal.

Palatine Jaycees 2023 Executive Board at Palatine’s Year End Banquet at the Cotillion.

The Palatine Jaycees have recently closed out their 2022 Ignite Your Passion year, led under President Lindsay Schubel Nagle, with a local year-end banquet that was held at the Cotillion and by attending the JCI Illinois year-end general assembly in Bloomington-Normal. At the state level, the Palatine Jaycees were honored with a total of 17 awards and recognitions including Outstanding Jaycee of the Year, Outstanding Membership Chapter of the Year, and the Outstanding Long Term Local Community Program of the year: Hometown Fest.

As they move into 2023, the Palatine Jaycees will Dare to Dream, under the leadership of their newly elected president, Megan O’Brien. Voted into the remaining Executive Board positions were Amanda Carlstrom, Administrative Vice President; Courtney Kulig, Chapter Management Vice President; Ali Schnackel, Individual Development Vice President, Joe Loquasto, Membership Vice President; Stephanie Morgan, Treasurer; Michael Quevillon, Secretary; Rick Tracy, State Director and Lindsay Schubel Nagle; Chairman of the Board.

In addition to the Board positions, the Jaycees elect Local Directors to act as liaisons between the general membership and the Board to ensure effective communication and collaboration. The 2023 Local Directors are Becky Adamson, Megan Larkowski, Paul Murphy, Kevin Price, and Ross Smith.

The organization has recently voted to adopt a DEIA statement and will continue to strive to exemplify the JCI mission To provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change. O’Brien stated “I’m very excited for the new board and their excitement to create new and engaging projects and events for our chapter and community!” But don’t fear, even with new projects in the works, the Jaycees will continue to host their well-known annual events; Hometown Fest, their Easter Egg Hunt, Fall Back Brewfest and their Christmas tree lot.


The Palatine Jaycees gives individuals ages 21 to 40 the opportunities to develop personal and leadership skills while serving their communities. They hold their monthly general meeting on the third Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm at Arlington Lanes. For further information on the Palatine Jaycees, membership or any of their sponsored events visit, or email

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